Parents’ Meeting in Grade One
On the afternoon of 6th September, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Primary Division held the parents’ meeting for students from the first grade in the year 2017. This parents’ meeting was rich in content with vivid form and lively atmosphere. Therefore, all parents took it seriously, which promised high participation rate.
At the parents’ meeting, each head teacher introduced the fundamental state of Anqing Foreign Language School and her classes, presented relevant contents in terms of entrance education of new students from the first grade in addition to playing image data.
In the meantime, each head teacher focused on the first grade starters’ personality characteristics and discussed sanitation, behavior as well as children’s study habit education with parents. Afterwards, each and every course teacher exchanged perspectives with parents and guided them regarding the related teaching content of their respective disciplines.
In a word, this parents’ meeting enabled parents to further understand Anqing Foreign Language School, her class conditions, traits of first-year students as well as the learning content and methods in the first grade, which accelerated home-school collaboration and provided favorable guarantee for the transition between kindergartens and primary schools.



